the love monkey
while searching for a new bumper sticker today i came across this. i immediately thought of you.

and from there i shall move on so that my dedicated readership (whom i love dearly) is given the not entirely erroneous impression that youre into beastiality and other such abberations.
on other, more open and generally accessible topics my sweetlings, how are we all today? fine? good good, thats what i like to hear.
ive managed to find the anthem for our year for the next few months. don't stop by fleetwood mac. or more to the point the amazing cover by darren hanlon. much as i dont like to admit that sumone named darren could produce wonderful musical works, this guys really done a good one. i mean, come on, its got a banjo, everyone loves a banjo.......
and equally, ive found the anthem for the time after our exams. stay young by rick nelson originally i think, but later covered by donovan frankenreiter. its just perfect. but till then im hanging onto dont stop. n fact, i think ill throw in a few, or all of the lyrics. here we go
so yes, i thought that was rather filled with pure, unadulterated appropriateness.If you wake up and don't want to smile
If it take just a little while
Open your eyes and look at the day
You'll see things in a different way
Don't stop thinking about tomorrow
Don't stop, it'll soon be here
It'll be, better than before,
Yesterday's gone, yesterday's gone
Why not think about times to come
And not about the things that you've done
If your life was bad to you
Just think what tomorrow will do
Don't stop thinking about tomorrow,
Don't stop, it'll soon be
hereIt'll be, better than before,
Yesterday's gone, yesterday's gone
All I want is to see you smile
If it takes just a little while
I know you don't believe that it's true
I never meant any harm to you
Don't stop thinking about tomorrow
Don't stop, it'll soon be here
It'll be, better than before,
Yesterday's gone,yesterday's gone
in other news i have tomorrow a meeting with our scary, botox-filled principal. ithink its rather special that she's acknowledging my existence. i even go so far as to hope that she'll learn my name just for the occasion, though i'm not overly hopeful. in fact, since im going with 3 other ppl, she'll probably just learn one of our names and address that person all the time. and since caits already bagsed the role of sitting in the corner looking shifty i need to find something for me to do. this is all, as some of you will know, in an attempt to get our act back, and we're bloody enraged about the whole thing. we've worked out the whole planaround the various scary militant power books selina and i have lately emersed ourselves in. theyve got all sorts of great tips like 'pose as a friend, act as a spy', and reminders not to cock your head to the side when you talk. at this very moment i am typing a list of points to bring up in the meeting tomorrow while eliminating the words 'thats unfair' from any part of it. is all good fun and an excuse to practise influencing people a la dale carnegie. wish me luck all, as i am dealing with the dark lordess im gonna need all th good will i can get.
the worst thing is, we did a 'dramatic read through' of the script today, and its solid gold. it will break my heart if we cant perform it. i have to say that the IT parts were still my favourite, but the science dept was coming pretty close. cait the genius wrote it and its become a sort of infusion between monty python and showboat and star wars. its brillinat i tell you! which is why we must succeed.
well, i must now leave you all to go on with your sad little lives as i am now going out to torture myself with exercise.
in selina's words, borrowed from mary poppins, "close your mouth michael, we are not a codfish"
and with that cheery thought,
ha ha ha..thanx...but ill b rite..i dont need a visit from the love monkey thanx...ill find anotha 1 somewhere luv ur long blog 2..cyas
who the hell keeps sendin those anonymous web anotha anonymous person..truely!!!!!!!!!
christ people just put in yr name D:
damn right youre getting the year 12 act back ~ otherwise you will be LYNCHED ~
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