
Well its finally over. Damn pirated DVD people! We could have been wakeboarding and getting sore muscles all over again but nooooooo. Bloody "John Smith" the Malaysian pirated DVD dealer - "I'll be there between 12 and 1pm" he says. "Bah, humbug" says we!
Anyway, putting that behind us, we've managed to cram a good amount of shopping into the last few hours of holiday. Selina and I (being Cait) went out this morning to get our photos developed at the cheap photo place. 521 photos later our total of photos printed at this place found its way into the 1000's (inc. Jess' earlier escapade).
Kirani and Jess later went out, pretending to be Jetstar Asia cabin crew and bought much much perfume at a discounted price! (Thanks Matt!)
This time the room smelt like perfume instead of cigarettes and alcohol - and in our opinion this is a vast improvement.
Still waiting for "John Smith" - so here's a list of songs for our CD to commemerate the holiday...
-High (Lighthouse family)
-Unchained Melody
-Wind beneath my wings
-sexual healing (don't ask)
-come fly with me
-some Indian thing (Please guys, tell us what it is)
-Witch Doctor
-Little Blue Man
-Karma Chameleon
-That one by Fastball
-Tub Thumping
-Bear Necessities
-yellow submarine
-High hopes
-photographs by Nickelback *shudder*
-Perhaps, perhaps, perhaps
-walking on sunshine
-Break my stride
-Lifted (lighthouse family)
-Needles and pins
-Call me
-I'm into something good
-Its my life
-I still call australia home (co-rny)
-shook me all night long
-next to be with you
Hmm... maybe CDs would have been more appropriate...
Okeydokey, we're off to catch our taxi now!
Hopefully we won't crash into any mountains... or get struck by lightning... *jess screaming in corner... wuss*
This is the merry band of travellers signing off!
Ta-ra daaaahlings (Note: This is all Kirani's fault),
Cait, Selina, Jess and Kirani!

By the way, we're holding you to your word - we'll see you in a month : p
Yay, I get to see y'all again soon! Oh, and nice photo in your bathing costumes ;-D
Was that meant to be dirty, bec? Cause i meant my previous comment purely in a you-have-good-sense-of-style-in-regards-to-bathing-suits way, not in a i-am-a-dirty-sleazeball kind of way.
twas a general reference to kiranis propensity for finding amusing things on the internet such as the banana phone -> http://www.albinoblacksheep.com/flash/badgerphone.php which appears to be on the cd . lol
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