Monday, December 19, 2005


ok, havent posted in a while i know, i know, and iswear i will get back to it in earnest at some point in the near future, just not right now. not that im particuarly busy or anything, i just cant really be bothered.
life goes on much as it did before, and i havent forgotten you all, i'm just heightening your pleasure in this blog through suspense. that and im lazy.
ta ra my darlings,
until i can be bothered posting properly,

Monday, December 05, 2005

ta ra

off to rotto, isnt life grand!
i'll update on life in general in a week my darlings, to inform you of various developments, of both a happy and unhappy nature, but that will have to wait till my time of trippy frivolity is over.
toodlepip, and all that